Weezer to Release ‘The Black Album’ in May


Weezer confirmed on Double J that they will release The Black Album on May 25th:

“This other album just kind of materialised,” he said. “I had two folders on my Dropbox: one was ‘The Black Album’, and it didn’t get filled as quickly as this other folder, which I temporarily titled ‘New Folder’. That one filled up with ten songs that were definitely different, but not quite as different as The Black Album. So, we put a name on it – Pacific Daydream – and put that out first.”

Best Buy To Stop Selling CDs, Target May Be Next

CD, Record Store

Ed Christman, writing for Billboard:

Best Buy has just told music suppliers that it will pull CDs from its stores come July 1. At one point, Best Buy was the most powerful music merchandiser in the U.S., but nowadays it’s a shadow of its former self, with a reduced and shoddy offering of CDs. Sources suggest that the company’s CD business is nowadays only generating about $40 million annually. While it says it’s planning to pull out CDs, Best Buy will continue to carry vinyl for the next two years, keeping a commitment it made to vendors. The vinyl will now be merchandised with the turntables, sources suggest.

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