Favorite TV Shows

There’s something about a cold beer and watching a good TV show that is the perfect end to a day. This is a running list of some of my favorite TV shows. This page is updated on a regular basis by pulling in TV shows I have rated an eight or above (out of ten, and very few shows are worthy of a ten).

You can follow me on Trak.tv for a running list of what I’ve been watching.

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Favorite Movies

Here is a running list of my “favorite” movies of all time. It’s by no means complete, but it’s a good starting point for a bunch of movies that I really like and enjoy. If you’re looking for something to watch and haven’t checked these out yet, well, I think it’s a damn good group of movies. This list is updated on a regular basis by pulling in movies I have rated an eight or above (out of ten, and very few movies are worthy of a ten).

You can also follow me on Letterboxd or Trakt for a running list and ratings of the movies I watch.

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Favorite Albums

Looking for some great music and not sure where to start? Here’s a list of some of my favorite albums of all time. Because this is a list that is updated every time I discover a new album I love, I’ve automated this page by pulling from Last.fm my most played albums of all time and combining it with a hand curated list of “favorite” albums.1

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  1. This is an automated system that includes my entire listening history, so there may be “problematic” artists on this list. This list will automatically update on a regular schedule.

Just Dive In (Episode 112)

Encore - 112

On this week’s episode of Encore we look at the best stretches of three or more songs in albums, our preference of albums over playlists, bands going on hiatus, and if the internet has gotten more hostile lately. We then move into discussing the passing of David Bowie and how to get started on his massive catalog. The podcast ends with us talking about the new Kanye West song and Nielsen’s 2015 report (and of course a little Star Wars thrown in).

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Sound of Sirens (Episode 111)

Encore 111

Welp, here we are with the first episode of this year’s Encore podcast. This week finds us giving a little follow-up on our past two episodes (Star Wars and End of the Year Lists), before diving into questions about albums we’re looking forward to in 2016, music predictions, the meaning of “production,” and what 10 year tours we’d like to see. We finish the episode giving our first impressions of the new Brian Fallon album, Painkillers, and talk about the new Kanye West song, and the possibilities for Green Day making a comeback this year.

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Best of 2015 (Episode 110)

Encore 110

We hope everyone is having a great New Year’s eve – probably playing a lot of Death Cab for Cutie, right? This is officially the last episode of the Encore podcast for 2015. This week Thomas and I look at our favorite albums that came out during the year, discuss how we picked them, why we picked them, where we put them, and then also talk a little about other “favorites” in the year (movies, TV shows, etc.). I’d like to wish everyone a happy end of the year – stay safe out there! – and say thank you to everyone that checked out the podcast this year.

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