What Ever Happened to Brendan Fraser?

Brendan Fraser

This GQ profile of Brendan Fraser is fantastic:

His eyes are pale and a bit watery these days—less wide than they used to be when he was new to the screen, playing guys who were often new to the world. Blue-gray stubble around the once mighty chin, gray long-sleeve shirt draped indifferently over the once mighty body. I’m 35: There was a time when the sight of Fraser was as familiar to me as the furniture in my parents’ house.

Camp Cope Talk With Stereogum

Camp Cope

Camp Cope sat down with Stereogum to talk about their new album:

I wish we could just play music and not have to talk about these things, but we have to talk about them. None of the other bands at that festival pointed out that there’s no women on the main stage. I would love to have that ability to be able to play a festival and feel comfortable, respected, safe, and happy. But we have to do what we do. If that comes at the expense of people’s opinions or us losing a part of our audience, then fine, it’s worth it.

Anti-Flag on “Cautionary Tales” Podcast


Anti-Flag are the latest guest on the Cautionary Tales podcast. It’s a good listen and goes into some really great tales of signing with different labels over the years:

“I think we were one of the first bands to ever tell Mike no,” he remembers, recalling Fat Mike’s early overtures to Anti-Flag. “He said, ‘I want to put you on [Fat subsidiary] Honest Don’s,’ and we said, ‘No, we want to be on Fat.’ He said, ‘You’re not ready for Fat.’ And we said, ‘Go fuck yourself.’”

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Smashing Pumpkins Reunion Tour Off to a Slow Start

Smashing Pumpkins

Those Smashing Pumpkins’ reunion tour tickets don’t appear to be flying off the shelves:

As Twitter user solace points out, there are quite a number of markets where a vast majority of the seats are still available. […] In the Pumpkins’ defense, their hometown show in Chicago is nearly sold out. But large swaths of tickets also still available in New York City and Glendale, where the tour is scheduled to kick off on July 7th.

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