Iron & Wine Cover “Tomorrow On The Runway”

Iron and Wine

Iron & Wine have covered The Innocence Mission’s “Tomorrow On The Runway.” Sam Beam talked with NPR about how the cover came to be:

“Stephanie approached me about a particular scene in the film and asked if I could write an original song,” Beam writes via email. “Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to commit to that, but when “Tomorrow on the Runway” came to mind, it seemed like a wonderful match. The song feels like an elegy, which was appropriate for the tone of the movie, and it’s long been a favorite of mine because the melody is so beautiful. Working with Stephanie was a pleasure, and I’ve been an Innocence Mission fan for a long time, so getting a chance to record one of their songs was a real treat, as well.”

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The Lottery Hackers


Jason Fagone, writing for HuffPost:

So perhaps it was only fitting that at age 64, Jerry found himself contemplating that most alluring of puzzles: the lottery. He was recently retired by then, living with Marge in a tiny town called Evart and wondering what to do with his time. After stopping in one morning at a convenience store he knew well, he picked up a brochure for a brand-new state lottery game. Studying the flyer later at his kitchen table, Jerry saw that it listed the odds of winning certain amounts of money by picking certain combinations of numbers.

That’s when it hit him. Right there, in the numbers on the page, he noticed a flaw—a strange and surprising pattern, like the cereal-box code, written into the fundamental machinery of the game.

These kinds of stories suck me in like no other.