Long ago, an online friend, Drew Sung, messaged me on AIM and told me he had a new band I should check out. I told him to send me a song. He said he couldn’t yet since they didn’t have a singer finalized, but that he’d drive down to Redlands and play it for me. So, sitting in my sophomore dorm room, we hit play together on the all instrumental version of this EP. My jaw just about bounced off the floor. I asked about the missing singer, he said they were trying one out who he thought could be a “game changer.” I asked if they had a band name, he said he wasn’t sure but they were tossing around “Saosin” as an idea. A few weeks later the MP3’s with Anthony Green’s instantly iconic vocals showed up. I think I wrote something back like, “this may very well shape the curvature of the music scene, in the future we may talk about music before this album, and then music after this album.” I’m not sure how much of my teenage hyperbole came to pass, but this release remains an absolute monster. A force in power and unmistakeable passion. An album that to this day can knock me on my ass and dominate an entire day with just 15 minutes, and five incredible songs.
I’m beyond happy to finally have this in my collection, and the smile on my face when it arrived today was not unlike when I first heard it all those years ago.
#saosin #vinyl #whenwereyoung