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Photo Blog: Feb 12, 2022 at 9:01 AM

Ok, one more post of nostalgia filled memories before returning to your regularly scheduled feed of records, cats, and beer. Here’s a few other things I found from the AbsolutePunk years.

Slide 1: Ryan, Sean, and Pete of Yellowcard hanging at my friend Kelsey’s house jamming on the piano one night after a concert.

Slide 2: They really loved that piano.

Slide 3: Over It’s ‘Silverstrand’ insert, second photo at the bottom on the left has me and the band goofing around. (Can someone press this on vinyl?)

Slide 4: The ad to promote Cartel’s stream on the website. The first “full album stream” I remember ever doing. Still unsure why the black text.

Slide 5: Random band thank you cards from over the years. Usually around album release times or Christmas.

Slide 6: a Drive Thru Records Christmas card.

Slide 7: Nick from The Spill Canvas after a night sleeping in my parent’s basement after a show. (Why do I ever shave my head?!)

Slide 8: I have lots of art from The Matches, including a painting somewhere. Here’s a fun drawing on some mail.

Slide 9: A FenixTx coloring book.

Don’t forget to check out the @thiswasthescene podcast if you haven’t already with me talking all about the days.