Bayside’s Anthony Raneri has helped Florida detectives arrest a man accused of sexual battery:
In April, the lead singer of Bayside, Anthony Raneri, posted a warning on Instagram that James Ranieri was claiming to be related to him in order to gain favor with women.
”It has come to my attention that a tattooer named from Solid State Tattoo in Jacksonville, FL is telling women on social media that he is my cousin…” said Anthony Raneri. “This isn’t true, and I don’t know this person.”
JSO says Ranieri was a prominent tattoo artist and due to his occupation had frequent contact with the community; therefore, the possibility exists there may be more victims.
Anthony Raneri of Bayside says he was able to use some experiences shared with him to give information to authorities in Jacksonville.
”After making my post yesterday, it’s heartbreaking to see all these comments and messages come in about James Ranieri… I was able to get in touch with the Mayor’s office and then got the attention of the sheriff’s office and state attorney.”