Coheed and Cambria talked with Kerrang about their upcoming album:
“It’s a self-brand,” he explains as he prepares to brave the cold streets of London. “I think about all of the years being the guy who’s in the concept rock band. It’s a brand on myself, a painful one and a proud one. But the title is also for the character of Vaxis, who’s at a place in the story where the world is his and he can create it as he chooses. Part of me sees myself more in that character than ever. The end of the band, or the end of the concept of The Amory Wars is around the corner. Do we continue to stay inside the concept? Because I know how to do that, but part of me wonders what a new creative life looks like. That’s something that Vaxis has the choice to do, and will probably do when the next two records are done. I see a conclusion that, to me, feels perfect.”