The A.V. Club interviewed the creator of one of my favorite computer games growing up, Myst, and the entire thing is good, but I loved this quote:
AVC: If you could go back 23, 24 years, and tell yourself one thing while you were making Myst, what would it be?
RM: Oh my gosh. Okay, honestly—this is some deep stuff—but I’m older now, and a lot of what happened with Myst, I now realize a lot of it, a majority of it, had to do with luck. And I think that’s how the world works. I think a lot of people work very hard, and they don’t get lucky. I think I would have told myself, “Don’t confuse luck with any sort of elevated view of yourself. You were in the right place at the right time and did a lot of hard work, but a lot of people do hard work. It worked for you, be grateful, and don’t think too much of yourself.”