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Kevin Devine Announces ‘Brother’s Blood’ Anniversary Shows

Kevin Devine

Kevin Devine will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of Brother’s Blood with some anniversary shows.

I’m fortunate in a peculiar way to have no obvious consensus record, or a particular moment where I was properly thrown up in the air; the arc has been less jagged than that, more stubborn and gradual, for better and for worse. Each album has its adherent camp, some bigger, some smaller, with some welcome fluctuation over time.

It is probably true, though, that the largest and most settled congregation exists around Brother’s Blood, and, even if I’m specifically poorly suited to pick favorites or interact with my music in the same manner as you, I understand why.

I firmly believe that my career as it is presently constituted largely exists as a result of the writing, making, and touring of Brother’s Blood. It was a clear pivot that also manages to still feel fully vital and current to me.

We hope you’ll join us December 13th in Boston, 14th in Philadelphia, and 20th in New York to celebrate that vitality.