Norman Brannon Not Performing with Texas is the Reason


Norman Brannon has announced he will not be taking part in the Texas is the Reason reunion. There’s no bad blood and you can read his full message below.

By now you may have heard Texas is the Reason will be playing again. If my DMs are any indication, however, you may not know that I will not be joining them. I hate speculation, so I feel a need to put this out there. First: I am certain Texas is not the only band to have a complicated band dynamic. Gratefully, we’ve been able to get through those complications without ever sullying the wonderful things we made while we were together. We’re good. This isn’t about that. For several years now, I have finally been able to talk about what I was personally going through in the mid-‘90s—and specifically, my experience as a closeted young gay man. The reality is, I spent my time in Texas perpetually terrified. I thought coming out would destroy the band and my life. I spent entire days in bed, suffering with depression. I didn’t feel like I could share what I was going through with the band, so I put all my energy into writing, touring, and managing the band’s affairs. I am still not even sure my bandmates truly understand the gravity of that moment for me. In my mind, I had only three choices: Keep going and stay closeted. Quit the band and come out. Or take my own life. This is not hyperbole; it was a fucking emergency. Obviously, I chose to quit and come out. For as much as that sucked, that decision also saved my life. I cannot possibly regret that. If playing shows again makes the other guys happy, I’m for it. If it gives people an opportunity to sing the songs they love, I’m for it. My DNA is in those songs no matter who plays them and I will always be a proud member of Texas is the Reason. But revisiting something so connected with that time in my life is just not something I wish to do. I’ve come a long way from being that terrified kid. I am living free. I play in another band I adore. I’m somehow still making songs that people also love. Life is good. Bottom line: I truly hope this experience gives everyone involved whatever they need from it. And I have nothing but love for anyone—including the band—whose experience allows them to celebrate in this way.

Norman Brannon