motifsinthecity asked:
You’ve mentioned several websites that have become staples in my morning Feedly reading. I was wondering if you had plans for a “Recommendation Post” like your technology one—a post that culls together a list of your essential morning reading for news on tech, art, pop-culture, etc. Personally, I’d find something like that invaluable.
Thanks for the compliment! Here’s a rundown of websites and authors I read every day. I use ReadKit as my RSS reader on the Mac and iOS.
I’ll try and keep this updated when new things get added into my daily routine.
- Aleen Mean
- Ask a Manager
- Batman News
- Benedict Evans
- Ben Brooks
- Brett Terpstra
- Cal Newport
- Casey Liss
- CGP Grey
- Charlie Monroe
- DaringFireball
- David Smith
- Hyperbole and a Half
- Hypercritical
- Inessential
- Joanna Stern
- Katie Floyd
- Kottke
- MacSparky
- MacStories
- Marco Arment
- Michael Tsai
- Pinstripe Alley
- Pixel Envy
- Ryan Holiday
- Simon Willison
- Six Colors
- Spyglass
- Still Drinking
- Stratechery
- Techmeme
- The Oatmeal
- The Obsessor
- The Present Age
- The Ringer
- The Wirecutter
- Very Nice Website
- 512 Pixels
These blogs have either been retired, no longer update, or I’ve stopped reading them.