2/4/23 (Ten Songs)

Ten songs is a weekly playlist from Jason Tate featuring songs enjoyed over the previous week. It is included in every edition of the Liner Notes newsletter and is free to sign up for via email.

This playlist is available on Spotify and Apple Music.

Ten Songs

  1. Thrice – Hoods on Peregrine
  2. Bearings – Better Yesterday
  3. Stand Atlant0c – Kill[h]er
  4. MAGS – Elephant
  5. RAYE – Black Mascara.
  6. Dustin Kensrue – Hide and Seek
  7. Tokyo Police Club – Beaches
  8. Lagwagon – Bury the Hatchet
  9. Sam Russo – Young Heroes
  10. Tony Sly – Capo, 4th Fret
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