Gleemer’s Anymore would be a great album to listen to even if they just had straight guitar, bass, and drums playing. However, the music is so much deeper than that. There’s an atmospheric sound in the background that sweeps through the entire record. “Basketball Casino” sets the tone for what to expect musically.
The band itself grew from a solo project that guitarist and vocalist Corey Coffman was working on. From there, he made a strong connection with Charlie O’Neil and that’s when Anymore really came into formation. The duo did everything out of a home studio, and this album sounds far from being just some DIY project someone recorded at home. These guys know what they’re doing when it comes to making a record sound good. The band’s lineup includes Nick and Joey, as well.
This band didn’t hit my radar until this album cycle, so they were a pleasant surprise for me. Their previous release was nearly two years before Anymore dropped. Coffman’s lyrics take on a personal message. He’s singing about what impacts his life. Even from the song titles, like “Soothe Me” and “Pressure,” you can discern what’s going on. His lyrics, though, are what draw you in, so much so that if something feels unfinished, you feel like you just want to know more.
Gleemer have a lot to offer in their music. Anymore is an album that certainly deserves attention. As someone who hasn’t been great at listening to music as of late (don’t get me started on my podcast listening), this album caught my attention when I wasn’t expecting it to. “Cooler Pt. 2” has an intense build in it right before the end that just engrosses you. It’s a moment where I just had to pause and say to myself, “Yeah, this album is really good.”
“Gush” ends the album on a more somber note. It’s on the slower side and is the only song that runs over four minutes. Putting a longer song at the very end of an album that didn’t really consist of longer songs always feels like a bold move to me, one that doesn’t always pay off. However, here it does because you’re not taken out of the moment of the album. The overall tone remains and you don’t even really notice the length difference unless you look for it.
Go give Anymore a listen if you want some atmospheric jams to listen to. You can grab a copy of the album via Bandcamp if you’re interested, too.