The Lego Batman Movie trailer has also been released. I’d say it’s been a pretty good day for trailers.
‘Batman – The Telltale Series’ Trailer
The trailer for the upcoming mini-series Batman – The Telltale Series has been released. The first five episodes will be released digitally on August 2nd.
Lego Batman Movie a Giant 90-Minute Easter Egg
Dave Trumbore, writing for Collider, on the upcoming Lego Batman Movie, which sounds fucking awesome:
Chris McKay, the director of the movie, is a real Batman aficionado and knows really arcane stuff that was only in one issue of the comic book in 1972, and that sort of thing. So, it is chock full of stuff for Batman aficionados. It is just a 90-minute Easter egg.
Geoff Johns Praises Ben Affleck’s Batman Script
DC Comics’ Geoff Johns was on Seth Meyers the other night to talk about DC’s new “rebirth” comic story (for what it’s worth: I really liked the first issue) — there’s a little mention of working with Ben Affleck on a solo Batman movie as well.
Teaser For Animated ‘Batman: The Killing Joke’
A teaser for the upcoming animated feature for Batman: The Killing Joke was posted today on YouTube.
Ben Affleck Has Written Script for Batman Film
Graeme McMillan, writing for The Hollywood Reporter, has revealed that Ben Affleck has written a script for a standalone Batman film, but that he is currently only contracted for the next two Justice League movies.
“He’s contracted to do at least Justice League One and Two, so at least three times wearing the cape,” he says, adding, “There’s a script that he’s written that is a really cool [Batman] idea, so that’s out there as an option.”
As we’ve been talking about in the movie thread, I think Affleck was the best part of this ok, but very flawed movie. I am more interested in an Affleck written and directed Batman movie than I am anything Zack Snyder does going forward.
‘The Lego Batman Movie’ Trailer
The trailer for The Lego Batman Movie can be found on YouTube or by hitting read more.