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Creeper Talk New Album


Creeper talked with Alternative Press about their new album and what to expect:

Well, it’s unrecognizable, I’d say. It’s changed forms quite a drastic amount. For instance, there are no fast songs on this record. There are no double-time beats on this record. We haven’t made a punk record at all. I wasn’t inspired to do that. It didn’t seem relevant to be doing that at this exact point for us. So, when things are punk here, it’s in a more aggressive delivery, perhaps, rather than a double-time beat. I feel like we were using that as a crutch sometimes when we were writing. Listening back to the other records, I’m very proud of them, but I felt like every time we started trying to make something that was a little bit more challenging, we would deliver it, but then we would immediately feel like we’d need to do a standard punk song to make up for the fact that we had done something that was challenging our listeners. I just don’t want to do that anymore. I want to make a record that’s exactly in the image of these challenging ideas.

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Creeper’s Hannah Greenwood Responds to Harassment


Creeper’s Hannah Greenwood has responded on Twitter to harassment at a recent show:

Manchester, let me start off and say the show last night was wild. Thank you to everyone that came and made it what it was. Unfortunately my night was slightly tainted when I came off stage to find out some guy yelled a derogatory comment at me before ‘Darling.’ This type of behaviour is not tolerated at Creeper shows – it shouldn’t happen at any show. Our shows are safe places where nobody should be made to feel uncomfortable, on or off stage. I’m just disappointed I didn’t hear the comment at the time otherwise I would have called it out there and then. Moving on from shitty comments, thank you to everyone that has come to this tour and made it so special.

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