This best of list was put together by the staff in 2013. It used an old system for ranking albums, but has been brought over to for posterity.
I’d like to formally welcome you all to the end of 2013. We thought we’d celebrate by unleashing our Top 30 albums of the year. Compiled from all of the staff’s EOTY lists (which will be revealed on January 6th, 2014), we’ve once again released one of the most complete and eclectic lists you’ll see from any publication. From death metal to indie to defend pop punk to #emorevival, we have it all. So I’ll shut up now and let our list do the rest of the talking – check it out in the replies. As always, your thoughts, opinions, and disagreements are welcomed. 2013 was a great year for the music world once again – here’s to 2014.
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