Musicians on Musicians: Billie Joe Armstrong & Billie Eilish

Green Day

Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day and Billie Eilish sat down to talk with Rolling Stone:

That’s good. Things happen so rapidly now. It’s like people go through a cycle of music like it’s a fucking Instagram page, where you just sit there and flick through pictures all the time. I think it’s a new frontier for [Green Day], which is really fun. We’re not gonna have a record deal, which is awesome. I’m able to put out whatever I feel like anytime. I did the Longshot record, and I got to put stuff out on SoundCloud. So it’s like it doesn’t matter if you’re in a punk-rock band or in a pop group or hip-hop. It doesn’t matter anymore.

Green Day Team Up With NHL

Green Day have teamed up with the NHL:

The league is announcing a two-year partnership with Green Day that includes an opening song for NBC Sports’ “Wednesday Night Hockey.” The song, “Ready, Fire, Aim” isn’t custom-made for the NHL and will be on Green Day’s next album, though it’s likely a matter of time until Green Day or another band follows what Hank Williams Jr. and later Carrie Underwood did for the NFL.

Billie Joe Armstrong Talks New Green Day Album

Green Day

Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day talked with Kerrang a little about the band’s upcoming album:

Trump gives me diarrhoea (laughs), you know? I don’t want to write a song about it!

It’s just more about trying to empathise with people’s situations. It’s just a crazy time. When I was a kid, my parents had six kids. My dad was a trucker and my mother was a waitress, and they bought a home in California in the ’70s with five kids living in the house. That is an impossible thing to do right now in California – if not in other places. And that’s what scares me a little bit more – what’s going to happen to people in the future.