Happy Near Year

I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year’s Eve tonight. We made it through another year. I hope everyone has a fun evening. If you’d like to join the community as the clock strikes twelve, our forums are the place to be.

Thank you to everyone that visited this website over the past year. Our official best of feature will be coming out early next Monday.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays


I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. We will be on a more relaxed posting schedule over the next few days. All of the staff are working on finalizing our best of the year lists and we’ll have those to share with you in early January.1

  1. The community thread of member lists can be found here.

Happy Thanksgiving


Today is Thanksgiving here in the states so we will be on a much relaxed posting schedule. Hope everyone has a great day filled with good food, good drinks, and good people. Come join us in the forums if you’re looking for company.

Happy New Year, 2024

Another Friday with very little in terms of new albums coming out. The music industry hibernation is almost over and January looks to have quite a few fun releases on the horizon.

We’ll continue to be on a very limited posting schedule over the weekend, so I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year! Thank you to everyone that visited this website over the past year. Our official best of 2023 feature will be coming out on January 8th.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays


I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. We will be on a more relaxed posting schedule over the next few days, as the music industry is in hibernation. All of us are working on finalizing our best of the year lists and we’ll have those to share with you in early January. 1

  1. The community thread of member lists can be found here.

Happy Thanksgiving


Today is Thanksgiving here in the states so we will be on a much relaxed posting schedule. Hope everyone has a great day filled with good food, good drinks, and good people. Come join us in the forums if you’re looking for company.

Happy New Year

I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year’s Eve tonight. We made it through another year. I hope everyone has a fun evening. If you’d like to join the community as the clock strikes twelve, our forums are the place to be.

Thank you to everyone that visited this website over the past year. Our official best of feature will be coming out early next week.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. We will be on a more relaxed posting schedule over the next few days, as the music industry is in hibernation. All of us are working on finalizing our best of the year lists and we’ll have those to share with you in early January.1

  1. The community thread of member lists can be found here.

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving here in the states so we will be on a much relaxed posting schedule. Hope everyone has a great day filled with good food, good drinks, and good people. Come join us in the forums if you’re looking for company.

Happy New Year

I wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a safe New Year’s Eve tonight. I hope everyone has a fun evening. If you’d like to join the community as the clock strikes twelve, our forums are the place to be.

Thank you to everyone that visited this website over the past year. Our official best of lists will be coming out early next week.

Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays


I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. We will be on a more relaxed posting schedule over the next few days, as the music industry is basically in hibernation. All of us are working on finalizing our best of the year lists and we’ll have those to share with you in early January.1

And with that, here’s Mark Hoppus and Ben Folds serenading you.

Read More “Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays”

  1. The community thread of member lists can be found here.

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving here in the states so we will be on a much relaxed posting schedule. Hope everyone has a great day filled with good food, good drinks, and good people. Come join us in the forums if you’re looking for company.

Happy New Year

I wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a safe New Year’s Eve tonight. I hope everyone has a fun evening. If you’d like to join the community as the clock strikes twelve, our forums are the place to be.

Thank you to everyone that visited this website over the past year. And oh what a year it was. Our official best of lists will be coming out early next week, and here’s to 2021. It can’t be weirder, right?

Merry Christmas


I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. We will be on a more relaxed posting schedule over the next few days, as the music industry is basically in hibernation right now. All of us are working on finalizing our best of the year lists and we’ll have those to share with you in early January.

I know the holidays can also be a difficult time for many, just know that our community is here for you and there’s a bunch of resources online if you need someone to talk to.