Reports: Daniel Craig Done With James Bond

James Bond

Rehema Figueiredo, reporting for The Daily Mail that Daniel Craig is done with James Bond:

One LA film source said: ‘Daniel is done — pure and simple — he told top brass at MGM after Spectre. They threw huge amounts of money at him, but it just wasn’t what he wanted.’ He added: ‘He had told people after shooting that this would be his final outing, but the film company still felt he could come around after Spectre if he was offered a money deal.’

Oddsmakers have Tom Hiddleston has the frontrunner to replace Craig.

James Bond Inspired ‘Empire Strikes Back’ Title Sequence

Kurt Rauffer imagined what the opening of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back would look like in the style of James Bond’s famous title sequences. This is relevant to my interests.

Growing up in the 90s where Star Wars was released on VHS, the franchise really sparked my imagination as a child. It not only let me exercise my imagination but also supplied me with some of the happiest memories as I watched it with my family. After re-watching “The Empire Strikes Back,” I decided to use this as a chance to create a homage in the form of a title sequence. This would also serve as my senior “thesis” at SVA and took me the whole semester to complete. The style and tone of the animation was inspired by the James Bond title sequences. The music was a rejected song from the newest Bond film, Spectre, sung by Radiohead.

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