Jason Tate
Jason Tate

Quoting myself about the Yellowcard and Travis Barker news:

Universe is letting me eat.

Blink and YC? Like ... this is Jason Tate fanfiction shit.

Jason Tate
Jason Tate

Early mornings, made by warnings 
What's the point of the alarm that I'm ignoring?
It's even raining, I'm not complaining 
But waking up is hard to do
So, turn my head, it's back to bed with no delay
Can't be bothered by the phone ten times today
Why get up? My morning doesn't even start 'til two
Forget reality, waking up is hard to do

Sum 41 - "Heart Attack"

Listen: https://chorus.fm/share/son...


Jason Tate
Jason Tate

I’ve discovered that The Ataris are perfect track workout music.

Jason Tate
Jason Tate

When the stars exploded billions of years ago, they formed everything that is this world. Everything we know is stardust. So don’t forget, you are stardust.

Before Sunrise (1995)

Jason Tate
Jason Tate

Things on my radar today: Spiritbox, new Spitalfield single, Nightly, Jason Isbell, and that Kelsea Ballerini deluxe. I'll check out the new Lady Gaga album too. First couple listens of Spiritbox and I'm super happy with it as a follow-up to one of my favorite albums of the past few years.

Jason Tate
Jason Tate

I made an update to our search results page today. And with that update, I think I've tackled the majority of the "big" items I had on my list for the main website. It was also the 50th update I've made so far this year to the website.

That means next is tackling some things in the forum I've wanted to do for a while. I'm not sure what's going to be first, but I have a few ideas.

Jason Tate
Jason Tate

The weekend has gotten away from me and I still have a few things I need to do this evening, so I am not expecting to get to write a newsletter this week. However, I do want to plug this new Oversize album, Vital Signs, that came out on Friday. It's very shoegaze/grunge-y, but with a nice balance of melody and heavier moments. It gets a full throated recommendation. Listen: https://chorus.fm/share/alb...


Jason Tate
Jason Tate

I’m trying to spend my year thinking about how in ten years, that version of me, will be looking back on right now. Am I doing the things that make me happy? Am I living a life that I’ll be proud of? Am I being kind?

Jason Tate
Jason Tate

I wrote a script a while back to calculate the number of words (and articles) I've written on this website. I use it at the end of the year to put the stats in my EOTY post. On February 1st, 2025 I decided to run it on my entire posting history. The results:

25,212 articles published
2,551,146 words written

That includes articles going all the way back to April 2002. You know, I do think it's a little poetic the first posts are about Midtown. (As cringe-inducing as re-reading them is.) Pretty sobering to think about writing over two million words though.