Rancid Announces Traveling Music Festival
Pennywise Close Out Warped Tour
Pennywise closed out the final Warped Tour by playing “Bro Hymn.”
Pennywise – “She Said”
Pennywise – “Won’t Give Up the Fight”
Pennywise have shared their new song “Won’t Give Up the Fight.”
Pennywise – “Live While You Can”
Pennywise have released their new song “Live While You Can.”
Pennywise Announce New Album; Stream New Song
Pennywise will release their new album, Never Gonna Die, on April 20th. Today they’ve debuted the title track and pre-orders are now up. You can find the full press release below.
Pennywise and Strung Out Announce Tour Dates
Pennywise and Strung Out have announced some new tour dates.
Pennywise Finish New Album
Pennywise have told the OC Weekly they’ve finished their new album and hope to release it in 2018:
We’ve got a raging fast album that I feel like is our best work since Full Circle and Straight Ahead. We’re able to go back to the old school vibe and that’s hard to do. Bands try to go back and recreate their first or second albums and somehow this time we stumbled across an old formula that really worked. It’s aggressive and has a lot of cool lyrics. We’re looking forward to getting it out there around March.
New Pennywise Coming in 2018
Jim Lindberg of Pennywise confirmed on a recent episode of the Punkanoraml Activity podcast that a new album from the band will be coming in 2018.
Carjacking Suspect Decides Not to Carjack Pennywise Guitarist in Redondo Beach
As Dragge sat at a stop, the Scion spun into his lane and came to a rest 10 feet away, he said.
A police squad car had apparently tapped the rear end of the Scion, in a maneuver known as a PIT (Precision Immobilization Technique). Earlier during the chase, at Herondo Street and Hermosa Avenue, Hermosa Beach police had flattened one of the Scion’s rear tire with a tack strip.
“It looked like he was reaching for the driver side door handle and I thought for a moment he was coming for my truck. But if he was, he changed his mind when we made eye contact,” Dragge said. Dragge described the Scion driver as a small, Hispanic male in his early 20s, with a shaved head. Dragge is 6-foot-5, 300 pounds.
Wraths Recording New EP
Jim Lindberg of Pennywise is back in the studio with his side project Wraths recording a new EP.
Pennywise Announce ‘About Time’ Tour
Pennywise are taking Unwritten Law and Strung Out on their About Time tour. You’ll find the dates below.
Jim Lindberg Explains Why There’s No New Pennywise
Jim Lindberg of Pennywise talks with Communities Digital News about trying to get into the studio and record a new album:
I really, really have been pressing that we really gotta get into the studio and it’s kind of been doing chores and then people have to get back to their families and things like that. It just kind of keeps getting put off, but I know everyone has a batch of songs. I’ve got ideas for songs and I know Fletcher was playing some stuff the other day that sounded cool, but we just have to get in there and do it, that desire to play has to be there from everyone involved, and that’s why I’m doing so much Wraths stuff because if Pennywise isn’t gonna practice and get in the studio and write songs, then I’m not gonna sit around twiddling my thumbs.