A lot can happen in a month.
We officially packed up and moved out of the city at the start of the month and have spent the last three weeks unpacking and trying to find a new semblance of routine. Moving was stressful and bittersweet. Saying goodbye to the condo and where the last 12 years of my life have been spent was hard. But, just the same, falling in love with the new home and all the space we now have has been well worth it. And waking up to the view? Pretty special. Getting used to the quiet and not having the ever present hum of the city has been interesting. And slowly getting things setup again so they feel like home has taken just about every spare second. But we’re getting closer and my office space got completed this weekend. More to do, lots more to do, but we’re well on our way now.
September 2024
August has been a whirlwind. After 12 years living downtown Hannah and I decided it was time to move. After months of talking about it, we finally made the call and put the condo on the market. In a strange twist of fate, we found a home we loved and got an offer on the condo the exact same weekend. And so the month has been spent packing. Preparing. Saying goodbye to my favorite place I’ve ever lived. Where my life changed and I discovered myself. I’m ready for the next steps, and we’re now a week away from the big move. Wish us luck.
August 2024
Fireworks. Heat. An absolutely incredible concert experience that lifted my heart. Hannah ran some races. I drank some beer.
July 2024
Blink-182 – One More Time Tour
July 13, 2024
Moda Center Portland
I’ve seen Blink quite a few times over the years and this was, by far, the best they’ve ever sounded. An incredible set, an incredible show. It’s hard not to get a tad choked up standing there experiencing this again. #blink182
July 22, 2003 was one of my favorite album release days of all time. Over the years I’ve collected many versions of these two albums, and they remain two of my favorite albums, ever. What I wrote in 2018:
On July 22nd, 2003 both Yellowcard’s ‘Ocean Avenue’ and Thrice’s ‘The Artist in the Ambulance’ were released. I was home between my sophomore and junior year of college and both albums imprinted on me like few ever have. Driving around my hometown, seeing old friends, reigniting old flames, these two albums became a part of my summer. was just becoming something I thought I wanted to do with my life and much of what that website would become was created with these two albums as the soundtrack. I was still very much trying to figure out who I was as a person, and these albums felt like a foothold of hope on the future. Watching Yellowcard’s meteoric rise, a bunch of kids that felt almost like peers, gave me a boost of confidence during a time I needed to think things could get better. The world was changing, my world was changing.
15 years later that summer remains one of the best of my life. The friendships made, the hearts broken, the speakers blown out, it all feels like a moment frozen in time. An idealized summer that probably wasn’t nearly what I’ve made up in my mind all these years later. But I hold it dear nonetheless. And when I put on ‘Ocean Avenue’, and hear “Back Home,” I’m transported back 15 years ago when that song meant everything to me. A rallying call for what my life was and a romanticized version for what I wanted it to be. And that feeling of home intersplices with the intensity of Thrice’s ‘The Artist in the Ambulance,’ an album I used as an outlet for my anger at the world, at the war, at myself and all the chaos that felt just beyond the borders of my hometown. Two sides of me dueling it out through two albums released on the same day, during the same summer.
So, here’s to you July 22nd, 2003. I’ll always remember you fondly.
The full feature is up on the website!
For the first half of the year, I’ve listened to 856 albums, 366 artists, and 7,784 songs (12,382 scrobbles). My most played album of the year so far is Sum 41’s ‘Heaven :x: Hell.’ My most played artist so far this year is MxPx.
June flew by. A month of birthdays to celebrate and wonderful weather to experience. Lots of great food and great wine. Summer is here and it’s glorious.
June 2024
May in Portland flips between gorgeous and rain. But it’s starting to lean a little more toward the former and I’m definitely here for it. The month was busy, went by too fast, but ain’t that always the way.
May 2024
I shared an article on the website today that talks about why music tastes solidify in our youth and we return to the music of our teens through thirties for basically the rest of our lives. I (obviously) still seek out new music on a weekly basis and love nothing more than discovering a new favorite band, but there is something so comforting about returning to an old musical friend. One of my pet theories is those summer albums you spent your late teens blasting in the car right after getting your license find an even deeper way into your heart. Summer break, that first taste of (relative) freedom, and nothing to do but drive around trying to blow out your speakers. Boys Like Girls’ debut is one of those albums for me. It’s always screamed of summer and ushering in sunny days and warm evenings. Not surprisingly, Martin’s songwriting has continued to stick with me all these years later. (Do not sleep on those Night Game albums.)
Anyway, here’s to growing up and still spinning our youthful faves. And here’s to summer 2024.
April showers…
It was a month defined by travel. A business trip in the middle of the month to Mexico City, and Hannah off to California at the end of the month. But around the chaos of airports there was still a lot of good music, good friends, and some good weather. Let’s hope for more of that in May.
April 2024
The weather is starting to turn here in Portland. You can feel it in the city. People are starting to spend more time in the park across the street, the temperature is creeping upward, and this week has been ideal to break out this pop-punk gem from last year. Reminding me of the best parts of Sum-41 and early Blink-182, with a fresh youthful perspective, this is easily one of my favorite pop-punk releases in a long time. A worthy addition to not only one of my favorite genres, but my favorite summer albums playlist as well. (And once I saw this t-shirt I knew I had to order it. Could that be anymore me?)
March represented one more trip around the sun. And just at the tail end we started to see it peek its head out again; I’m ready to put the rain in the rear view mirror. Good drinks, good music, good walks, great time with family and friends.
March 2024
February brought (slightly) better weather, some great music, some good books, an incredible concert, and quite a few lovely weekend walks capped off with a perfect beer. And we were able to celebrate Valentine’s Day and my mom’s (long-deserved) retirement.
February 2024