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Review: Sherwood – Sing, But Keep Going

Sherwood - Sing, But Keep Going

Sherwood’s sophomore effort his stores May 31st on Side Cho Records, and it just may be the happiest thing to hit your ears all year. In an explosion of pop and rock, Sherwood has not abandoned the style of music experienced on their self-titled EP, but rather embraced it. The EP was full of generic tracks that were easily forgettable, and it seemed like it was time for Sherwood to add some flair to their musicianship or forever be lost in the world of piano-pop emo rock. The EP had some moments of pop bliss to it, and Sherwood has taken those parts they did best and blown it up into an excellent full-length album. Well-produced and full of tender, beautiful melodies, Sing, But Keep Going is an outstanding pop record to transition the seasons into summer.

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Review: Sherwood – Sherwood

Sherwood - Sherwood

Sherwood’s album is an enjoyable mix of musical styles. With vocal stylings similar to Ace Enders (Early November) and drumming comparable to Copeland, Sherwood has followed a formula that has proven to be successful. Slow, emotional choruses and tight, crisp guitar work assist catchy verses. Fans of emo-rock will really dig what this CD has to offer. While you can detect the band’s talent instantly, there is definitely something lacking in each song. Every song has a good hook and a nice flow to it, but there is simply nothing unique about Sherwood, minus a few tracks – one of these being “Pray Forgive Me These Mistakes”. Synth drums move a slow ballad of a song forward. It’s a great testament to how awesome Sherwood’s vocals are. He really sounds like Aaron from Copeland in this track. Another track, “Anything You Choose” displays Ozma-esque keyboards while guitars twang forth an alt-country beat. This eventually falls into the same pattern as all the other songs, give or take a breakdown or two. Nonetheless, it’s still a fun album to listen to. Overall, it’s a solid effort. Check it out if you want something new to listen to you in your car while you drive home late at night.

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