The track listing to Thrice’s Major/Minor is as follows.
Read More “Thrice ‘Major/Minor’ Track Listing”Review: Thrice – Beggars
As children, we are all prone to believing just about anything we see, particularly when a figure we idolize bears superhuman strength or the uncanny ability to shoot a basketball from space, hit it off the Statue of Liberty, off the St. Louis Arch, around the rim of the Grand Canyon and still get nothin’ but net. You see, when those we place on pedestals falter, it stings us on a personal level and recovery is crucial in order to restore our lost faith. So, if the case is your hero gets his dunk blocked or say, gives baseball a go when it’s obviously not his forte, their ability to continually prove why you put them on said pedestal will inevitably bowl you right over.
Read More “Thrice – Beggars”Statement from Vagrant Records
A message from Vagrant Records regarding the leak of Thrice’s Beggars can be found below.
Vagrant Records here. We don’t normally chime in on message boards like this, but we see a lot of back and forth about the Thrice piracy issue and feel we should let people know our position: We see a lot of posts basically blaming us for this leak. Vagrant has been using that same player for almost three years and this has never been an issue. In this case, someone clearly and unfortunately went out of their way to try and hack into our system. The link got into the wrong hands and someone took the time to figure out how to get around the password and user log in. Obviously there are people out there we thought we could trust with that information, but instead have proven to be dishonest.
Vagrant is currently speaking to Thrice’s management and the band about the best methods for the album release and how we’re going to proceed. When there is more to tell on that front, Vagrant will get the word out through all available media outlets.
The band is honored to have such true, loyal supporters, and your responsibility in this matter is greatly appreciated. All we can do at this point is appeal to the fans good graces and ask they avoid permeating an already tough situation.
We sincerely thank you for your support!
- Vagrant Records
Review: Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IV
The double disc album can be a pitfall for many bands. The girth of a release sometimes outweighs the overall vision and flow of the effort. Such is not the case with this 4-disc opus (ok, it’s technically a two release 24 song opus that could fit on two discs, but who’s counting?). I never thought I’d say it, but with the release of the second half of The Alchemy Index, Thrice has succeeded in creating a relevant multi-disc album that not only stands as a testament to the success of the format but also maintains a fairly even level of quality throughout. Though it is not without its slip-ups, the release stands as an excellent departure and display of tremendous growth from a band once pigeon holed as “screamo”.
Read More “Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vols. III & IV”Review: Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II
Fire and water are two elements necessary for life; one provides sustenance to support all living creatures while the other provides the energy responsible for the very reactions that make life possible. Yet, despite their shared importance, both substances remain polar opposites and mortal enemies. When combined, water quenches fire and fire causes water to evaporate if given the right circumstances. The fact that these two substances remain completely different yet both extremely important in their own right make them a perfect descriptive inspiration for the first half Thrice’s highly ambitious, four EP undertaking The Alchemy Index.
Read More “Thrice – The Alchemy Index Vols. I & II”Review: Thrice – Vheissu
Have you ever finished watching a particularly moving film or completed a strikingly emotional book, only to sit in your plush-leather seat — dumbfounded? There is that split second of realization that nothing you ever accomplish in your life will come close to the intellectual and emotional genius you just experienced. I have had such a feeling on only a few rare occasions; however, after each listen of Thrice’s Vheissu, this numbness pummels the skin around my chest.
It is perfect.