Ticketmaster has agreed to pay $10 million for breaking into a competitors’ network. The company and its parent Live Nation admitted to hiring a former employee from rival ticket seller CrowdSurge, then using his knowledge — including old usernames and passwords — to learn CrowdSurge’s inner workings and “cut [the company] off at the knees.”
“Ticketmaster employees repeatedly — and illegally — accessed a competitor’s computers without authorization using stolen passwords to unlawfully collect business intelligence,” said acting US attorney Seth DuCharme. “Further, Ticketmaster’s employees brazenly held a division-wide ‘summit’ at which the stolen passwords were used to access the victim company’s computers.”
Ticketmaster Launches “Verified Tickets”
Ticketmaster has launched a new verified fan-to-fan resale website.
Ticketmaster Recruits Pros for Secret Scalper Program
Box-office giant Ticketmaster is recruiting professional scalpers who cheat its own system to expand its resale business and squeeze more money out of fans, a CBC News/Toronto Star investigation reveals. […] Company representatives told them Ticketmaster’s resale division turns a blind eye to scalpers who use ticket-buying bots and fake identities to snatch up tickets and then resell them on the site for inflated prices. Those pricey resale tickets include extra fees for Ticketmaster.
Ticketmaster Post Initial List of Shows Eligible for Vouchers
Ticketmaster have released the list of concerts eligible to be used with their free vouchers.
Ticketmaster Awards Free Show Vouchers
Sabrina Weiss, from Refinery 29, explaining why you may have some free ticket vouchers available from Ticketmaster:
The 50 million customers who purchased tickets from Ticketmaster.com between October 21, 1999, and February 27, 2013, are eligible to receive at least one (and up to 17) vouchers good for two free tickets to an event. They’ll also receive discount codes (up to 17) for $2.25 toward the purchase of future tickets and, if they arranged for UPS delivery in past transactions, up to 17 coupons of $5 toward future UPS charges. To see what you’ve got, log in to your Ticketmaster account, click on My Account, and then Active Vouchers.
I wonder what the “eligible events” will be.