A few weeks ago I went on a massive @relientk binge. This album in particular reminds me of senior year of college living in an apartment and playing massive amounts of FIFA on the PlayStation with this blasting over the speakers. Many, many memories were made that year, and this pop perfection soundtracked quite a few. Best part is: it holds up! It could be released tomorrow and I’d still be into it.

(The band’s heading out on tour soon so make sure to check their page for dates.)

“And this week the trend…”

#relientk #vinyl

I am on one of those early thousands pop-punk kicks again. You know how I get. Tonight I was going through a bunch of the @drivethrurecs era albums and reading the liner notes, and seeing @minusthesnake’s name in this one still made me a little bit jealous, even to this day! What a gem of an album though, bringing me straight back to sunny college discman days.

“Tell me what you thought about when you were gone…”

#vinyl #thestartingline

I still remember the advance of this album being sent to my mom’s house and giving her specific instructions to call me the moment it showed up. I got the call, drove over, and my first listen was on the drive home, taking the long way, the backroads, and turning it up way too loud. Their manager had told me “not to expect ‘Interventions’ part 2” but I was head over heels for it immediately. So unique and yet ridiculously catchy.

Tick tock, you’re not a clock …

#vinyl #theformat

The reorganization is getting close to done, and I finally have more room for my c̶o̶m̶p̶u̶l̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ collection. This is a nice little section here — from Gaslight to Jimmy Eat World to The Matches. Not a bad run at all. #vinyl

Tonight’s walk back through time is with Something Corporate’s ‘North’ – I loved the part of @amnthewilderness’s memoir going behind the scenes of this record because I have incredibly detailed memories of the build up and release of it. These days I think I’d make the argument it’s almost underrated. This one came out toward the end of college for me and the last few songs on the record felt like they were ushering me out into the real world. #vinyl #somethingcorporate

Moving backward now and we’re into the Jack’s Mannequin era. ‘Everything in Transit’ remains one of my favorite albums … ever … but the other two hold up remarkably well. I have many memories of riding the Max to the airport when @drhannahtate and I first started dating to go see her in Arizona with ‘People and Things’ in my headphones. #vinyl #andrewmcmahon #jacksmannequin

Continuing my @amnthewilderness dive and waking backwards (the Zombie album is already in my feed somewhere), here’s tonight’s little gem. #vinyl #andrewmcmahon

I ran out of room to store records so I’ve been having to move some stuff around and reorganize. Figured while I did that I might as well post some favorites. And, since I recently finished @amnthewilderness’s book, I’ve been on a huge catalog kick of his history lately. Starting with the most recent release … this one has continued to grow on me. At first I felt the vocal effect didn’t quite work in places, but the underlying songs are so damn good it’s won me over. #vinyl #andrewmcmahon #andrewmcmahoninthewilderness

My dad helping me complete the whole Blink-182 collection, and Hannah helping me add to my Thrice one.* And I’m officially very much out of space to store records. Which is probably a problem given I just ordered more with Xmas gift cards. 😬 #vinyl #thrice #blink182

She picked the Thrice record from my list specifically because of the joke/bit from the Always Sunny podcast talking about the band and their stickers. Which continues to crack me up.

I was in a bit of a funk last weekend and an extra glass of wine led to some damn fine retail therapy. One of my all time favorites that I was stupid and missed out on when it was re-pressed. Mood elevated just a tad. #vinyl #theformat

Went on a big @mychemicalromance kick last week and this is still an all timer for me. Plus, one of the cooler music Funkos out there.

#mychemicalromance #vinyl #funko

Also arriving today, the practically instant classic from @turnstileluvconnection. Already a huge front runner for my favorite album of the year and the kind of band that makes me remember what it’s like to fall head over heels for a record. #vinyl

Good mail day today, first up is @yelyahwilliams’ ‘Flowers for Vases’ which continues to get plays from me on a regular basis. Can’t wait for fall to hit because I’m sure this will slide very nicely into the colder weather.

Variant: Smoky Pink
#vinyl #hayleywilliams

Ten years. It’s been ten years since this @thehorriblecrowes release and it’s still one of my all time favorite @thebrianfallon works. They announced an anniversary pressing, but I’ve always loved this red variant. (Last photo: the black variant I also have, and the live version.) #vinyl

Happy 20th to one of my absolute favorite albums of all time. It’s been a long week and I’m going to throw this on and turn it up. If this can’t make me feel better, nothing can. #vinyl #jimmyeatworld