Hot damn that’s nice looking. Kicking off the weekend with @awilhelmscreamofficial. #vinyl #awilhelmscream
I can’t believe it’s been twenty years since this came out. That unfortunately also means it’s been twenty years since I graduated high-school. #blink182 #vinyl #iamold
It’s finally here and now I don’t wanna open it and get the felt cover all grungy. Damn good album though!
Honestly might be one of the most underrated albums from the music scene; holds up remarkably well even today.
Music, where I still turn when the world makes no sense and everything is too loud in my head. @the1975 ‘Notes on a Conditional Form’ on vinyl. #musicforcars
Another fantastic entry in the band’s catalog, another instant purchase for my collection.
I’ve been waiting for this one for a while. One of the most underrated albums and it still holds up all these years later.