An album so good I preordered it twice in a three week period, only to realize my mistake after it shipped. I may be an idiot, but I’m keeping this one.

15 years ago today I first listened to this album not by leak or press advance but on a CD copy I bought on my way home from school. Over the next fear years I wore it out on my discman, playing it over and over through good times and bad. The album and the path it led me to changed my life. Not because of any critical review or press bullshit (no doubt they probably got panned) — but because the music spoke to a stupid kid going through high school. My life and my career will be forever intertwined with spending my lunch money on this album 15 years ago today. Thank you Blink, for this and so much more.

Only YC release I didn’t have in my collection – sale at SRC let me pick it up for $5. Damn good deal and they ended up sending me two copies. #vinyl