Hey, did you hear? Fall Out Boy released an album with a funky French album title. What’s up with that? Their third major label release, Folie à Deux, harnesses the band’s darker, more experimental side musically without sacrificing one shred of the sing-along choruses that shot them to stardom. As fans scramble to Google to figure out what the title means, here’s the short version. Did Pete Wentz, Pat Stump, and the gang spend too much time imitating hipsters and thumbing through French dictionaries at Starbucks? Nah. Simply put, folie à deux is a “madness shared by two,” when two people develop the same delusional disorder due to a close relationship with the other. The more you know…
Read More “Fall Out Boy – Folie à Deux”Interview: Buddy Nielsen of Senses Fail
What is your name and what do you do in Senses Fail?
My name is Buddy Nielsen and I sing for SF.
Where are you currently?
Working at a law office.
How did you guys get on the Punisher soundtrack?
I have no idea, Dan at Vagrant called us up and asked if we could get together a song for the movie and because we all love Punisher and it is a great opportunity, we got right on it.
Read More “Buddy Nielsen of Senses Fail”