Apple Unveils New Apple Music Design

Today at WWDC, along with a bunch of other announcements, Apple unveiled a “top to bottom” re-thinking of the iOS version of Apple Music:

Apple Music has an all-new design, bringing greater clarity and simplicity to every aspect of the experience. It uses a new design language that allows the music to become the hero and a new structure that makes it easy to navigate and discover new music. The Library, For You, Browse and Radio tabs have been completely redesigned to provide an even greater sense of place, and we’ve added a Search tab to make finding music even easier. All of these changes come together to create a design that is clear and intuitive. iOS 10 features a redesigned News app with a new For You, organized into distinct sections that make it easier to find stories, support for breaking news notifications and paid subscriptions.

I haven’t played around with it yet, but my first impressions are positive. The navigation is definitely better.

Ed Droste of Grizzly Bear Addresses Orlando Shootings

Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear’s Ed Droste has posted a message regarding the Orlando shooting on his Facebook page:

There have been many times I’ve felt lesser than within the gay community. Now is not one of them. Now we are all the same and all mourning. My love goes out to everyone in Orlando but everyone world wide who has to struggle just to be gay. There are multiple countries where being gay is served with a quick government sanctioned death penalty. We must remember these millions too. Even when I think we have it lucky here a horrific tragedy like this happens and is a sobering reminder how much further we have to go.

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