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My Yearly Pitch for Becoming a Supporting Member Logo

Each August I do an evaluation of how this website’s running, how our traffic numbers are doing, and what kind of revenue we’re bringing in from advertising, merch, and from our supporting members. It’s not the most fun part of running this website, but it’s one of the necessities to make sure we’re still on the right track and to assess the website’s viability for the upcoming year. I use this time to figure out what kind of freelance work I’ll need to schedule out for the rest of the year, as well as what projects I can focus on during the last quarter.

Based on these calculations, I am exactly 90 supporters short of this website hitting my goal for the year.

That means if 90 more people sign-up to any tier of the supporter membership by the end of this year, I’ll be sitting right where I want to be and it’ll be a massive weight off my shoulders. My plan, if I can hit these numbers, is for my next big project to be a rethinking of the homepage. I have wireframed a refreshing of the main website’s design, and that’s what I’d like to tackle next.

So, this is my yearly pitch to everyone that reads this website: if you like reading the news and content during the week, like reading the newsletter each Friday, and/or like reading or participating in our community, please consider becoming a supporting member. Every tier gives you the same perks: no ads on the website, dark mode, extra features in the forums, and it basically comes down to about seven cents a day.

Thank you to everyone that reads this website every day and for helping to make it what it is. I try not to post about this sort of stuff all that often, but once a year I like to try and update everyone on where we’re at and how everything is currently working out.

Advertisement blocked. I get it, ads suck. However, this website is run by one person and these ads are the only way we can keep publishing. If you like this website, please consider becoming a supporting member to remove the ads or safelist the website in your content blocker, we will not be able to exist otherwise.

Vic Fuentes Named Co-Chairman/CEO of Living the Dream Foundation

Pierce the Veil

Vic Fuentes of Pierce the Veil has been named Co-Chairman/CEO of the Living the Dream Foundation:

Living the Dream’s main focus is introducing sick children and young adults to their musical heroes and creating what the foundation calls Dream Days, which can include meet-and-greets with artists, VIP access to concerts and special events, or hospital visits. Hundreds of Dream Days have been realized since the foundation launched in 2007. In addition to Pierce the Veil, acts that have participated include Blink-182, Slipknot, Sheryl Crow and Willie Nelson.

Advertisement blocked. I get it, ads suck. However, this website is run by one person and these ads are the only way we can keep publishing. If you like this website, please consider becoming a supporting member to remove the ads or safelist the website in your content blocker, we will not be able to exist otherwise.

Toni Morrison Passes Away

Margalit Fox, writing at The New York Times:

Toni Morrison, the 1993 Nobel laureate in literature, whose acclaimed, best-selling work explored black identity in America and in particular the experience of black women, died on Monday in the Bronx. She was 88.

Her death, at Montefiore Medical Center, was announced by her publisher, Alfred A. Knopf. A spokeswoman said the cause was complications of pneumonia. Ms. Morrison lived in Grand View-on-Hudson, N.Y.

I think about this quote from Song of Solomon all the time:

Perhaps that’s what all human relationships boil down to: Would you save my life? or would you take it?


Mark Hoppus Interviewed on 97X


Mark Hoppus sat down with 97X to talk about Blink-182’s new album and mentioned that at one point they thought of leaving the album untitled, again:

We’d originally not wanted to call it anything, and were maybe thinking about just not titling it at all – but we already did that once, so we didn’t know if we should call it ‘Extra Untitled’ or what. So we’re like ‘let’s just call this what number album this is’, and depending on which you think is our first album and which you include, this is nine.

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Advertisement blocked. I get it, ads suck. However, this website is run by one person and these ads are the only way we can keep publishing. If you like this website, please consider becoming a supporting member to remove the ads or safelist the website in your content blocker, we will not be able to exist otherwise.