Liner Notes (October 21st, 2023)


Just a quick one this week.

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Thank You!

This week’s newsletter is going to be a quick one. Over the past few weeks I’ve been using my free time to write a review of Blink-182’s new album, One More Time…, and I published it yesterday.

With all my extra mental energy going into that, I need at least a week to recoup and give my writing muscles some time to recover.

I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for all the kind words sent my way over the past few days in regards to the review. I won’t have time to go thank every person individually, but please know I read your words and they touched me. I’ve always known this band resonated with people and to see that reflected by so many, and how many people connected with what I wrote, means so much to me. Thank you.

When I sat down and started writing I quickly knew I wanted this to be my defining piece about the band. I’ve written about them for years, reviewed a lot of their albums in various forms, but never wrote the piece about what they mean to me (and so many others), and I wanted to give that a shot. I wanted that to exist in the world. In the end, it’s probably my favorite thing I’ve ever written.

As I said on a few social media posts: My whole thing, from the start, is that I’ve wanted to treat this genre seriously when no one else did. I hope you can relate. If not with this specific band, to one that’s changed your life.

Thank you for reading! And for subscribing to this newsletter. I’ll be back soon! Lots of other great music coming up to write about: Gaslight Anthem, Taking Back Sunday, KC Rae! And all the stuff from the past few weeks that came out while I was head down finishing the review: Menzingers, awakebutstillinbed, Boys Like Girls, Callous Daoboys, Marvelous 3, Citizen, and others I’m probably forgetting.

In Case You Missed It

Music Thoughts

The Stats: Over the past week, I listened to 23 different artists, 28 different albums, and 310 different tracks (465 scrobbles). Here is my Top 9 from last week, and you can follow me on Apple Music and/or

Community Watch

The trending and popular threads in our community this week include:

The most liked post in our forums last week was this one by Jason Tate in the “Blink-182 – One More Time…” thread.

Previous editions of Liner Notes can be found here.

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