Welcome back to Track List, your monthly dose of 30 songs aimed to match the time of year, sequenced into a playlist for you to vibe out to however you see fit. Hopefully some names will be familiar, and hopefully some will give you a new discography to dive into. Drop me a line with some of your seasonal favorites and check back every month for a new playlist.
You can find the playlist on Spotify and Apple Music and read more about the selections below.
The end of summer always falls in such a way that it feels like it’s ending long before it’s actually over. An entire month left of our hottest season, and schools are back in session, football hype is in full effect, and all these damn breweries are pushing pumpkin beer ads into my Instagram feed. I mean, trust me when I say that Autumn is easily my favorite time of the year — but please, spare me the seasonal whiplash. We all need a little time to wind down and finish rinsing off the sunscreen and sand between our toes. Hands up if you’re with me on this one! (Bueller?) The good news is that if last month’s pop playlist was the party, then this one’s the lazy day afterward with an appetite for a few naps and a little hair of the dog. Or in some cases, it might be the long drive home from a day in the sun with your best friends asleep in the backseat. Any way you slice it, this playlist is made for the mellow-minded. Kick things off with laid back pop jams from Local Natives and Shura, and then take a dive into increasingly soothing hip hop and R&B tracks from the likes of The Internet and Nick Hakim. The Whitest Boy Alive and Slaughter Beach, Dog will pick up the tempo by the end, but not enough to shake you from a relaxed summer daze. Tune in and check back next month for the start 2019’s final quarter.