Dave Grohl was interviewed over at Entertainment Weekly:
You know years ago I was at a barbecue and I met a book agent, and he said, “Have you ever considered writing a book?” and I said, “Well, of course, someday.” And he said, “It’s really easy — you’ll do four or five hours of interviews and someone else will write it in your voice and it will be great.” And I thought, “F— that!”
I come from a family of writers, and granted I’m a black sheep but I’m not that bad, my God. So I figured you know if I were to ever write a book, it would be in my hand. I’ve considered it for f—in’ years but A, I never had the time, and B, I never felt like I was ready because every day something happens that I’d love to write about, and I’d hate to write sort of a typical autobiography. So years ago I thought, “Well maybe it will just a collection of anecdotes — maybe instead of it just being my life in 300 pages it could be just funny stories.”