Camp Cope Talk With Stereogum

Camp Cope

Camp Cope sat down with Stereogum to talk about their new album:

I wish we could just play music and not have to talk about these things, but we have to talk about them. None of the other bands at that festival pointed out that there’s no women on the main stage. I would love to have that ability to be able to play a festival and feel comfortable, respected, safe, and happy. But we have to do what we do. If that comes at the expense of people’s opinions or us losing a part of our audience, then fine, it’s worth it.

Smashing Pumpkins Reunion Tour Off to a Slow Start

Smashing Pumpkins

Those Smashing Pumpkins’ reunion tour tickets don’t appear to be flying off the shelves:

As Twitter user solace points out, there are quite a number of markets where a vast majority of the seats are still available. […] In the Pumpkins’ defense, their hometown show in Chicago is nearly sold out. But large swaths of tickets also still available in New York City and Glendale, where the tour is scheduled to kick off on July 7th.

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The Teens Will Save Us

Dina Leygerman, writing on Medium:

Every year, before I teach 1984 to my seniors, I run a simulation. Under the guise of “the common good,” I turn my classroom into a totalitarian regime; I become a dictator. I tell my seniors that in order to battle “Senioritis,” the teachers and admin have adapted an evidence-based strategy, a strategy that has “been implemented in many schools throughout the country and has had immense success.” I hang posters with motivational quotes and falsified statistics, and provide a false narrative for the problem that is “Senioritis.” I tell the students that in order to help them succeed, I must implement strict classroom rules.

This year, they were having none of this shit:

I’ve done this experiment numerous times, albeit not consecutively, and every year I have similar results. This year, however, the results were different. This year, a handful of students did fall in line as always. The majority of students, however, rebelled. By day two of the simulation, the students were contacting members of administration, writing letters, and creating protest posters. They were organizing against me and against the admin.

Not Everything Is an Album

Benjamin Mayo writes about one of the bigger issues I have with Apple Music’s categorization of albums:

What a human would think of as an artist’s albums, and what Apple Music lists, are completely different. EPs, singles, specials, deluxe, originals are all shoehorned under one name ‘Albums’. There is no way to filter these out. This really makes finding what you want hard. When you know what you want to find, all this backwardly organised catalogue gets in your way.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard of a new artist, gone to their page to listen to their latest album, clicked the first “album” artwork I saw, and then had to click back once I realize it’s just a single release. This seems like a really simple fix in the interface.