Modern Baseball have released a 17 minute long documentary called “Tripping in the Dark” on YouTube. You can also find that and the latest press release after the jump.
The first album recorded by someone other than the band themselves, Modern Baseball enlisted Joe Reinhart (Hop Along, Joyce Manor) at Headroom Studios in Philadelphia to help refine their sound on Holy Ghost. In a tight 28 minutes, Holy Ghost covers an impressive emotional range, with co-songwriters Jacob Ewald and Brendan Lukens literally splitting the record in half. The record kicks off with six songs from Ewald and ends with five from Lukens. What they ended up with was a complete record of the past two years– the highs alongside the lows, tales from the road and glorious days at home alongside songs of heartbreak and personal struggle.
The band released their debut LP Sports through Lame-O Records in 2012, creating a full lineup with Ian Farmer on bass and classmate Sean Huber on drums. Sports’ uniquebrand of scrappy indie-punk exuded a relatable charm that pleasantly caught people by surprise. The band quickly gained the attention of Run For Cover Records, who signed the young punks in early 2013. By the time they released their follow up record You’re Gonna Miss It All in 2014, Modern Baseball had built a solid foundation of buzz and deeply passionate fans. The record charted at #97 on Billboard’s Top 200 and led them to tours across the globe with bands like The Wonder Years, The Menzingers, and Say Anything.
In 2015 Modern Baseball released The Perfect Cast EP. Still flaunting their signature sincerity, the band showed they could turn their adolescent nervous energy into insightful emotional awareness and sonic power, while selling out headline shows across several continents. 2016 looks to launch the band into even greater things.