Deezy Violet and Alex Mojaverian make up the duo Sad Baxter. Out of Nashville, TN, the vocals from Deezy instantly made me feel like she could fit right in with the riot grrrl era of bands that reigned in the Pacific Northwest. The instruments give off a garage punk vibe, but the vocals squeeze in some pop elements. “Love Yew” is instantly catchy and a great choice to kick off So Happy.
Each song on the EP has something a little different to enjoy. “Blow” is raw in the sense that you almost feel as though Deezy is singing right at you. Her vocals draw you in and the music fades a bit into the background. The song is also by far the shortest on the EP, but it’s just long enough to pique your interest.
The EP title comes from “Baby.” The song is about not wanting to think too hard and just wanting that comfort of laying in someone’s arms. Who hasn’t wanted some comfort at times? No matter what makes one comfortable, we all know that feeling of just wanting something familiar.
Prior to this EP, I hadn’t heard any previous work from Sad Baxter. That’ll need to change now that I know what I’m in for when listening to this band. If you have roughly 20 minutes to spare, you can’t go wrong by listening to So Happy. Sad Baxter are a pure joy to listen to. Sometimes you just want some guitar heavy, grungy jams and this EP fulfills that.