Bad Timing Records is closing shop. They have a 40% off sale on inventory.
Mansions ‘Dig Up the Dead’ Coming to Vinyl
Bad Timing Records will be releasing Mansions’ Dig Up the Dead on vinyl this week.
This pressing of Dig Up The Dead is limited to 500 copies on a beautiful White Inside Transparent Orange variant. You can see photos of the variant in the images on the left of this page (or on the top of the page, if you’re on a pocket computer).
Dan Campbell and Ace Enders Cover “Thunder Road”
Thomas Nassiff, writing on his cool blog:
Katie and I got married in March. We had an awesome wedding and reception in Gowanus, and I’ll always think it’s cool that while living in Brooklyn we were able to host 120 family and friends for our wedding at a place that was just a 20-minute walk away from our apartment.
Congrats Thomas. But I thought this was
Another detail that I’ll always remember is that our wedding favors were very dope. We asked three of our most musically inclined friends to record covers of songs we like, then we pressed those three songs onto a 12″ record. We will always treasure those three songs and the generosity of everyone who recorded them or aided in their recording, along with the helpful guys at A To Z Media, who have pressed nearly 50 Bad Timing Records releases in addition to this specific 12″. […]
We wanted to share Dan and Ace’s cover of “Thunder Road” a bit more widely, so that’s really what prompted me to write about all this. You can listen to the cover below via Bad Timing Records’ Bandcamp page. And if you head over to that Bandcamp page, you can grab a download of the cover for $1 (or pay-what-you-want if you’d like to throw in more). All payments from that cover on the BTR Bandcamp will be donated to the Human Rights Campaign, which is the largest LGBTQ civil rights organization in the country.
Thomas also details how you can get one of the physical records as well, if you’d like one, on his blog.
Read More “Dan Campbell and Ace Enders Cover “Thunder Road””
Kevin Devine & Craig Finn Split Goes Up Tomorrow
The first release from Kevin Devine’s new split series will go on sale tomorrow. The first is with Craig Finn and the second will be with Petal.
Bad Timing Records Fall Sale
Bad Timing Records are having a fall sale:
As we wrap up the year and begin to look toward 2017, we would like to cut down on our physical warehouse space a bit, making Bad Timing slightly more nimble in regards to maintaining our inventory, picking up new releases when we can, things of that nature. So we’ve gathered together a decently large list of CDs, 7″s, 12″s and more that we’re putting up for sale on this page.
All Get Out Announce Album Title
All Get Out will be releasing Nobody Likes a Quitter this fall. The album was co-written and produced by Manchester Orchestra’s Andy Hull and Robert McDowell.
Bad Timing Records Spring Cleaning Sale
My friends Thomas and Zack have been running Bad Timing Records for a few years now, and they’ve put out a bunch of great releases that are sure to have at least one artist you love on them. They’re having a “spring cleaning” sale to get ready to release some new music this fall and have written up a blog post talking about why it’s important for them to raise some money to prepare for these releases. First, they have great stuff so you should check out the deals and grab something. Second, I think it’s really refreshing just how transparent and honest these guys are about what they’re doing. We should reward that.
We want to keep doing this — every dollar we’ve ever made as a label has been put back into another release, and Zack and I have never paid ourselves a buck for doing this — but at the moment, we’re asking you for a little bit of help. We’re not out here begging or anything; the label isn’t about to close its doors if we don’t sell X-hundred albums during this sale. We’re not going to do a Kickstarter or a Go-Fund-Me or anything like that, either. We didn’t do that to start our label, and we won’t do it now. All we’re saying is — if there’s a Bad Timing release you’ve considered picking up in the past but for some reason have held off on it, chances are that you’ll find it with a pretty significant discount on this page. Consider adding it to that IKEA shelf you keep your records on.