Travis Barker Appears on “The Doctors”

Travis Barker

Travis Barker of Blink-182 appeared on the TV show “The Doctors” on Monday to talk about recovering from a deadly plane crash in 2008. Some clips from the show can be seen on Huffington Post:

“The doctors said, ‘You’re probably going to be on most of these drugs for the rest of your life because you went through such a horrific experience, and you’re dealing with bipolar disorder. You’ll probably never play drums again, you’ll never run again,’” he recalled on the program this week.

“Then the challenge was in my mind just to prove them wrong,” he said. “I had to wean myself off of every drug, start playing the drums immediately, run, and then I became even healthier than I ever was before the plane accident.”

Matt Skiba Talks with Ultimate Guitar


Matt Skiba talked with Ultimate Guitar about writing and recording with Blink-182:

I would bring a song into the studio, we’d work on it or I would send a very crude demo to Mark and Travis and then go in the next day and kind of learn it and everybody bring their own thing to it. We would track it at Travis’ studio.

We were doing this for several months. The songs were good. It was cool but it didn’t sound like Blink. The songs I was bringing in sounded like [Alkaline Trio].

Matt Skiba Apologizes to Fans for the Fyre Festival

TMZ caught up with Blink-182’s Matt Skiba and asked him about the Frye Festival. He apologized to fans for the disaster:

We were only pulling out because we were getting the feeling that it didn’t have enough of our stage that we needed to put on the show we have. We’re on tour right now and we have a production that we bring with us and they weren’t able to facilitate the show that we put on, so we were just like, ‘We can’t play the show.’

Closer to a DumpsterFyre Festival


If you were on social media last night you probably saw the Fyre Festival shit-show start to go down. It first came across my radar when Blink-182 pulled out:

Blink-182 is pulling out of the much-hyped Fyre Festival in Exumas, Bahamas, telling fans on Twitter that they were worried that festival organizers would not be able to provide the production needed for their performance.

And then it got weird:

Fyre Festival appears on to be on the brink of collapse with flights to Exumas canceled as organizer struggle to deliver basic accommodations to festival-goers, some who paid thousands of dollars for to attend the three-day festival.

And weirder:

Created by rapper Ja Rule and entrepreneur Billy McFarland, the event – which was scheduled to begin on Friday and for which tickets cost between $1,500 and $250,000 – is off to a rough start and social media is buzzing about the failed festival.

And scary:

But when guests arrived for the first weekend on Thursday, they found grounds that were woefully lacking in the promised amenities and organization, according to accounts on social media that highlighted the soggy tents, bad food and general disappointment verging on panic.

This entire story is just bonkers. From the amount of money paid by guests, to the collapse, to the images shared from the festival grounds and amenities.

Blink-182’s New Song Is Scientifically Inaccurate

Deepa Lakshmin, writing for MTV:

Interestingly, Blink-182 have their science wrong. Though extremely rare, it is possible to get a girl “more pregnant” if she continues ovulating after already getting pregnant. This phenomenon is called superfetation, and doctors have no clear medical explanation for it yet.

BBC reports that there have only been 10 recorded cases, but the babies are typically born healthy as if they were twins — even though they were technically conceived days or weeks apart. Man, human bodies are weird.
