Blog: Favorite Albums

Looking for some great music and not sure where to start? Here’s a list of some of my favorite albums of all time. Because this is a list that is updated every time I discover a new album I love, I’ve automated this page by pulling from my most played albums of all time and combining it with a hand curated list of “favorite” albums.1

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  1. This is an automated system that includes my entire listening history, so there may be “problematic” artists on this list. This list will automatically update on a regular schedule.

Blog: Jason Tate’s Top Albums of 2015

The Best of 2015

2015 will go down as a memorable one for me. The music we got this year was fantastic and the memories it soundtracked will stay with me for a lifetime. As we move into the new year I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy year. I think what’s in front of us is always more exciting, and far scarier, than what’s in our past. I think the future’s bright. I think it’s exciting. Let’s not let it scare us.

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Blog: Jason Tate’s Top Albums of 2014

The Best of 2014

2014 ended up being one of my favorite years for music in a long while. It just seemed like every few weeks there was a new album to dive into and experience. There were times where it felt overwhelming, as if there was so much to listen to I felt ashamed I couldn’t give each album the time it deserved. But, here we are at the end of the year, and here we are tasked with trying to put numbers to the madness. I’ve done my best to put my favorite albums of the year in some kind of order … I hope you find as much to enjoy here as I have.

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Blog: First Impressions: Yellowcard – Southern Air


Truth is that my first impressions aren’t going to do this album justice. It needs a full on review – but, that’s the kind of thing that needs a lot more time, especially if I’m going to actually write a review in a way I haven’t in years. But … that’s coming, in tr meantime – how about some first thoughts on the new Yellowcard album? I feel like I’m in a good position to talk about this band – having followed them virtually their entire careers. 

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Blog: First Impressions: New Found Glory – Radiosurgery

Honestly the first impression I get of Radiosurgery (which I promise I will type “Radiosugary” a hundred times in the next few months) is that it reminds me of Self-Titled. I think that may be the production/mixing coming through — but I hear it in the song writing a little bit as well. I think the single’s the weak link and “Summer Fling, Don’t Mean a Thing” the highlight (the hook is what pop-punk should be). At this point these guys are as close to a sure thing as I can think of in the genre. They are exactly what they are, they do it damn well, and that’s all there is to it. There will always be a soft spot in my heart for this band, I’ve been listening to them for fricking years, and they’re one of a handful of bands yonder that I still love to listen to — and have massive amounts of respect for. With all the band drama these days, all the bands breaking up and changing members and throwing hissy fits … these guys are a model to emulate.

”What did you say as I walked out the door, awooaooh, did you want me back?”

Can’t get that damn chorus out of my head.

Hi Joe.

Blog: First Impressions: New Found Glory – Not Without a Fight

The new New Found Glory is an interesting album. It sounds a lot like their self titled album, a more raw production with straight to the point – in your face – pop-punk. If anything, it reminds me of when I first listened to Less Than Jake’s GNVFLA album. It’s an album that is a “return to form” from a band I loved in high-school, basically sounding like it would have if released when I was in high-school. So it’s a strange feeling – it’s very nostalgic, but at the same time I definitely enjoy the album. I would recommend it to any pop-punk fan – especially a NFG fan. There’s no reason it shouldn’t be in your collection.

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