Bowling for Soup Part Ways With Bassist

Bowling for Soup

Bowling for Soup have parted ways with their bassist, Erik Chandler.

Erik has recently come to the decision, for personal reasons, that touring and being in a band full time has become too much for him. Together, Erik and the band have decided to part ways. This split is on good terms. We will always be Erik’s biggest fan and brother, and support him in his decisions and future endeavors. We also hope that our fans will support him and respect his decision and privacy in all of this as he enters the next chapter in his personal and professional life.

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Jaret Reddick Talks With Substream Magazine

Bowling for Soup

Jaret Reddick of Bowling for Soup sat down with Substream Magazine:

We first get on the topic of the band’s longevity when talking about Warped Tour and I recall the summer of 2014 when Bowling for Soup was routinely pulling in the largest crowds of the summer. Reddick mentions that this past summer they were drawing the same large crowds at Warped Tour, before making the comparison to the NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers noting that the band travels well. “I can say that’s just the loyalty of our fan base, we’re just really, really lucky,” Reddick states.