Brand New to Release ‘3 Demos, Reworked’

Brand New will be releasing 3 Demos, Reworked in the near future.

Update: Banquet Records has updated their website with two listings. The first is for PMT-005, which contains “Mene” and “Out of Range.” The second is for PMT-003 and has a track listing of “Brother’s Song,” “Missing You,” “1996,” “Brother’s Song (Demo 2006),” “Missing You (Demo 2006),” and “1996 (Demo 2006).” Both have release dates of July 29th.

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The Ultimate Brand New Setlist

In case you haven’t heard, it’s been an interesting week for Brand New. The band just kicked off their Canadian headlining tour as the start of a packed schedule of summer concerts. And in typical Brand New fashion, the start of that tour was overshadowed by their cryptic messaging of t-shirts and stage banter and upside down flower crosses. I’m glad I was given two years notice that Brand New were hanging it up, because it’s going to take me at least that long to prepare my tear ducts for that final tour. Because they’ve been on our minds this week, I decided I should probably devote one of our ultimate setlist playlists to the band.

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Brand New Begin Tour (Merch, Set List, Stuff Like That)

Brand New started their tour last night in Canada. So, well, that means it’s time to recap what we know. We know they have new merch (the word is “abrahadabra” in Hebrew), and three new designs are up on their store (including a couple that say 2000-2018, so like bye bye Brand New, I guess they’re staying 18 forever). Oh, and the set list can be found below.

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Brand New – “I Am a Nightmare”

Brand New’s new song “I Am a Nightmare” is now available on YouTube, Bandcamp, and from the band’s webstore.

Update: This song comes from the band’s upcoming album, as confirmed by the press release for the song:

The song—produced by Brand New and longtime collaborator Mike Sapone, mixed by Vince Ratti, and taken from the band’s upcoming release—will be available via all Digital Service Providers this week and can be pre-ordered now on vinyl.

Emphasis added.

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