Deadpool 2 is Confirmed


Surprising basically no one after it took in a pile of money, Deadpool 2 has be confirmed.

During a panel at CinemaCon today, 20th Century Fox exec Stacey Snider confirmed that Ryan Reynolds and director Tim Miller would both be returning for Deadpool’s upcoming sequel. When news of the sequel arrived just after Deadpool was released earlier this year, it already seemed very likely that Reynolds and Miller would come back, but now it’s officially official. Snider also said that in addition to Miller, the entire creative team would be returning.

All dinosaurs feared the T-Rex!

James Cameron Working on Four Avatar Sequels

James Cameron is apparently developing four Avatar sequels, the first coming Christmas of 2018.

The filmmaker discussed the many ways in which he is expanding the world — a theme park with Disney in in the works, and his company has signed a deal with Dark Horse Comics for graphic novel spin-offs — but the movies themselves are obviously the biggest component. The Avatar sequels have been a moving target since he first announced he was working on them, and Cameron has since assembled what amounts to a screenwriting superteam to break the story for the various films. As it stands, the second film in the series will be coming out in the holiday season of 2018, with the subsequent films arriving in 2020, 2022, and 2023.

The Largest Ever Analysis of Film Dialogue by Gender


Hanah Anderson and Matt Daniels have put together the largest ever analysis of film dialog by gender: 2,000 scripts, 25,000 actors, 4 million lines.

But it’s all rhetoric and no data, which gets us nowhere in terms of having an informed discussion. How many movies are actually about men? What changes by genre, era, or box-office revenue? What circumstances generate more diversity?

To begin answering these questions, we Googled our way to 8,000 screenplays and matched each character’s lines to an actor. From there, we compiled the number of words spoken by male and female characters across roughly 2,000 films, arguably the largest undertaking of script analysis, ever.

You could spend hours exploring this page; incredible.

An ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ Sequel in the Works

Deadline is reporting that Tom Cruise and Christopher McQuarrie are working on a sequel to Edge of Tomorrow.

Joe Shrapnel and Anna Waterhouse have been tapped to write the sequel to Tom Cruise and Doug Liman’s sci-fi sleeper hit Edge Of Tomorrow. The original film, also starring a buffed-up Emily Blunt, was a surprise and pleasure for many genre fans with its time-bending narrative and stylish chemistry between its leads. Although a slow opener domestically, it eventually hit $100 million in the U.S. More importantly, it was a bone fide smash internationally, grossing a further $270 million or so to make the case for a sequel pretty compelling.

Ben Affleck Has Written Script for Batman Film

Graeme McMillan, writing for The Hollywood Reporter, has revealed that Ben Affleck has written a script for a standalone Batman film, but that he is currently only contracted for the next two Justice League movies.

“He’s contracted to do at least Justice League One and Two, so at least three times wearing the cape,” he says, adding, “There’s a script that he’s written that is a really cool [Batman] idea, so that’s out there as an option.”

As we’ve been talking about in the movie thread, I think Affleck was the best part of this ok, but very flawed movie. I am more interested in an Affleck written and directed Batman movie than I am anything Zack Snyder does going forward.

Louis C.K. Responds To Five Dollar Gate

Louis CK

Louis C.K. released a new show on his website last week, he charged five bucks for it, the internet reacted rationally and didn’t get mad at all about this. He’s posted a blog explaining this decision.

Now, I’m not complaining about this at all. I’m just telling you the facts. I charged five dollars because I need to recoup some of the cost in order for us to stay in production.

Also, it’s interesting. The value of any set amount of money is mercurial (I’m showing off because i just learned that word. It means it changes and shifts a lot). Some people say “Five dollars is a cup of coffee”. Some people say “Hey! Five dollars?? What the fuck!” Some people say “What are you guys talking about?” Some people say “Nothing. don’t enter a conversation in the middle”.

Anyway, I’m leaving the first episode at 5 dollars. I’m lowering the next episode to 2 dollars and the rest will be 3 dollars after that. I hope you feel that’s fair. If you don’t, please tell everyone in the world.