Albert Einstein once said, “A ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for.” Lauren Mayberry takes a brave step forward on Vicious Creature, the debut solo project from the front-woman of CHVRCHES that features a fun mix of pop anthems filled with thoughtful lyrics and great beats. Mayberry mentioned in a Rolling Stone interview leading up to their release of this record that, “So much of this process has been an exercise in empowering myself to listen to my own intuition — something I really trained myself out of. That’s ultimately why you start making things — because you felt a feeling, and you wanted to articulate that somehow. I think it was important for me to relearn that kind of independence, and recognize what I bring to any table I choose to sit at.” By crafting an album different than what she has grown accustomed to creating with her bandmates, Mayberry solidifies herself as someone willing to take creative risks to grow as an artist.
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