Louis C.K. To Release Two Standup Specials With Netflix

Louis CK

Louis C.K. will debut a new standup special via Netflix on April 4th.

Louis C.K. has set two new stand-up specials at the deep-pocketed streaming giant, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. The first special, titled 2017 and filmed in Washington, D.C., will premiere April 4. The comedian had a four-night stint in D.C. in January as part of his 2016-17 tour that concluded last week. in A date and title for the second has yet to be determined.

Blog: ‘Voltron: Legendary Defender’ Exceeds All Expectations


Voltron: Legendary Defender’s second season far surpasses any expectations I had for it. I was worried going in that the show would suffer from a sophomore slump, but Legendary Defender manages to capture the magic of the first season and expand the universe. In the three episodes Netflix provided to me ahead of the show’s release, there are more characters, more worlds and the backstories we got a glimpse of last season are explored more at length.

We just started the second season last night and I’m hooked again. I love this show.

Netflix Adds Offline Mode

Netflix has finally added an offline mode.

While many members enjoy watching Netflix at home, we’ve often heard they also want to continue their Stranger Things binge while on airplanes and other places where Internet is expensive or limited. Just click the download button on the details page for a film or TV series and you can watch it later without an internet connection.

The Typography of ‘Stranger Things’

Sarah Gless, writing about the typography of Stranger Things:

The opening to Stranger Things is pure, unadulterated typographic porn. With television shows opting for more elaborate title sequences (think GOT and True Detective), the opening of Stranger Things is refreshingly simple. It trims the fat and shows only what is necessary to set the mood. More importantly, it proves a lesson I’ve learned time and time again as a designer: you can do a lot with type.