Hayley Williams Launches Hair Dye Company

Hayley Williams of Paramore has launched a new hair dye company called goodDYEyoung. I’d like to talk to someone about changing my cursor into a little pixelated rock hand, but the colors really do look great.

A voice for anyone whose rebel spirit stands out, but might not always fit in, goodDYEyoung represents a youthful community bonded by self-expression, limitless inspiration and a flair for bold colors. Differentiated not just by the special ingredients in its products, but by its message of self-love through self-expression, the purpose of GDY is to create an all-inclusive counter culture that inspires more creativity, more community, and most of all, more color.

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Review: Paramore – Riot!

Paramore - Riot!

Oh, how I wanted to hate this album.

After the release of their debut, All We Know is Falling, I sat back and watched this band become the talk of our little website. I guess when you have a large enough group of pubescent boys together, any female immediately becomes a discussion topic. This phenomenon has led to countless threads discussing the lead singer of this band (a girl for those not in the know) and her dating habits, relative “hotness,” fashion sense, and just about any other topic not related to her band’s music. So when this album arrived in my mailbox, I was, to put it mildly, not in the mood to give it the time of day. So I did the rational thing: I ignored it. I hid it on my shelf and pretended it never arrived. Didn’t even open the CD case once. Mature? I know.

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Interview: Paramore


It’s no secret that the members of Paramore have come under a scrutinizing eye. Be it their steadily mounting popularity or their front-girl with a solid and inspiring set of tubes, Hayley, Josh, Jeremy and Zac take it all on with a new album, titled Riot!, in tow. What happens if the album leaks? Who’s bothered by the over-concentration/near-objectification of Hayley and not on the music? What does Paramore blow up when they’re bored in the studio? Read on to find out. A big thanks goes out to Catharine McNelly at Atlantic for all her help, as well as Hayley and Josh for taking time to sit down with AP.net. 

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