An Interview About Life in the Elder Emo Scene Logo (For Open Graph)

I sat talked with the Human Pursuits newsletter about growing up in this music scene, the history of AbsolutePunk, and what I’d tell my younger self:

It’s funny, I think about it and it’s exactly the type of advice younger Jason wouldn’t listen to… But it would be that you should be more willing to admit that you are wrong. Like, to understand that what you are thinking right now is not what you are going to think for the rest of your life. The convictions you have are not universal absolutes, they are not things that are going to be steady forever… To be malleable with that, and to always be questioning your own prior beliefs. 

Younger Jason needed to be the best, needed to be huge, and needed to have a giant audience following everything he was writing. It took me until 8 years ago to realize that was a dream I had when I was 15. I was sitting here at 35 thinking “I don’t want that at all.” There’s no part of me that has that goal, no part of me that wants to be driven by that. But I was still allowing myself to be driven by that idea I had as a kid… Letting myself be brought down because I thought it was “a goal of mine.” I wish I would’ve realized earlier that I did not need to be stuck to these ideas that I had, and that I should always be evaluating these things. Like, what do I want to do now? What do I want to do moving forward? I hope Jason of now can take that advice and try to apply it on a more regular basis.

Talking the Good ‘Ol Days on a Podcast

Usually I would say something like “yours truly is on a new podcast” but now there’s a (really good!) band by that name and they’ve ruined my go to line for something like this. Anyway, I’m the guest on the latest episode of the Podioslave Podcast talking about everything from the early days of AbsolutePunk to sports to what my favorite “classic” concerts were over the years, to what listening to music is like these days (and coming to terms with not knowing many track names anymore). There’s a lot of stuff but I thought it was a really great conversation about music and the scene spanning from then to now.

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All Punked Up Podcast Talking

I was a recent guest on the All Punked Up Podcast:

Join us as Jason Tate takes us on the entire journey of what it was like to run the now defunct website in the early 2000s, how the site played a huge part in launching the careers of some of the bands we still love today, what he learned along the way and how he took that knowledge to re-brand what was our old favorite news site as a new and improved version that is now

This was a fun trip down memory lane and a nice opportunity to stretch out some of those podcast muscles. (Overcast link.)

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Music Journalism Insider Interview With Jason Tate Logo

There’s an interview with me in the latest issue of the Music Journalism Insider newsletter. You can read the full thing here. There’s a lot of talk about the early days of, what the website has transitioned into, and some of my thoughts on music journalism in general:

At the time, I was starting to think that it didn’t make sense for there to be like 3000 individual band pages and fan pages. There would be a New Found Glory fanpage and an MXPX fanpage and a Blink-182 fanpage. I wanted to write about all of those bands, but I didn’t want to make individual sites for every single of them. So there was a little bit of backlash from people who just wanted to see Blink-182 wallpapers or whatever. But it was the early 2000s, so it didn’t really matter that much to me—I was 18 and I was just goofing around online in my dorm room. I didn’t know that it was ever going to be an actual job.

Talking Music Communities with It’s All Dead

Yours truly was on a recent episode of the It’s All Dead podcast. We talked about the transition from to, building online communities (and the difficulties around them), and some of the great music that’s come out this year. I think it was a great conversation.

Side note: This was recorded before the news about Jesse Lacey broke.

My Home Screen


Yours truly was asked to talk a little bit about my iPhone home screen over at MacSparky.1 It’s basically a picture of my home screen and some commentary about the apps I use the most. I’ve had a few people ask me about the second screen on my phone, so there’s a screenshot of that below for anyone curious.

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  1. A really good blog and podcast, definitely worth checking out.

Blog: “Welcome to Geekdom:” Spidey Extravaganza Part 1


Yours truly is on the latest episode of “Welcome to Geekdom” talking all about Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, and all kinds of nerdy Spider-stuff.

Jason Tate returns to the podcast to talk about The Spectacular Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, and Miles Morales. Comics covered include Spider-Gwen #1-5, Spider-Gwen #1-18, Spider-Man #1-15, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1-28, and Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1-12.

Here’s the Overcast link if that’s your bag.