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NPR Posts Up Full Julien Baker Set at Newport Folk Festival

Julien Baker

NPR has released a live recording of Julien Baker’s performance at the Newport Folk Festival.

At Newport Folk, the 20-year-old Memphian filled the quad inside Fort Adams with plaintive folk songs and electric guitar. Midway through her set, Baker brought out Matthew Gilliam, her bandmate in Forrister, to add touches of atmospheric percussion to “Vessels” and “Brittle Boned.” But for the most part, it was just her ragged-edged voice and ringing Telecaster — and that was enough to win over the audience, who gave her multiple standing ovations. Particularly well received was “Good News,” which, as Baker explained, is about “thinking you ruin everything … and then figuring out that you don’t.”

Spotify Announces “Release Radar”

Spotify has announced the new “release radar” that will give you a personalized weekly playlist of songs from new, and recently released, albums. The Verge goes into more detail:

Discover Weekly focuses on a window of the last six months or so to decipher your taste and make suggestions. Release Radar can’t replicate that approach, because your favorite band may not release an album more than once every two years. Instead it takes stock of your entire listening history, then narrows the range of possible suggestions down to tracks that have been released in the last two to three weeks.

I’m still, mostly, an album-only listener, but I really like this approach to trying to get people to check out new music and tackling the problem of so many people not being aware that new music is out from artists they love. Hell, I follow this stuff for a living and even I would like a personalized page each Friday that shows me all the albums out today from artists already in my collection, and then below that gives me four recommended albums I should check out and what song to start with.

The Dillinger Escape Plan Hiatus

The Dillinger Escape Plan

The Dillinger Escape have announced they are going on “extended hiatus.” They spoke with Noisey about the decision:

We’re really excited about this new album as well, but at the same time, it’s going to be our 20-year anniversary in 2017 — it might be even longer because I’m not sure when I started writing songs, but the first EP came out in ’97 — so I think it’s one of those things where we didn’t want to get to the point where we’re stopping because we have to or because we’re old or people are kind of over it.

They will release their final album, Dissociation, on October 14th. They’ve also released the new song “Limerent Death.”

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Albums in Stores – Aug. 5th, 2016

So the obvious big release today is the rumored release of Frank Ocean’s long-awaited Boys Don’t Cry. If that’s out, that’s what I’ll be spending my day spinning. If not, I guess I’ll check out that Moose Blood album. If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the quote bubble to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed.

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ESPN Is Finally

Joshua Benton, writing for NiemanLab:

It isn’t quite our-long-national-nightmare-is-over level, but one of the significant daily reminders of the early web just disappeared. ESPN’s website, which had been hosted at since 1998, is finally now just at

Damn, there goes one of my favorite jokes.

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