Big Sean Tops the Billboard Charts

Big Sean has the number one album this week. Lady Gaga climbed all the way back to number two after her Super Bowl performance:

Big Sean nabs his second No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart, as I Decided. debuts atop the list, earning 151,000 equivalent album units in the week ending Feb. 9, according to Nielsen Music. Of that sum, 65,000 were in traditional album sales. I Decided. was released on Feb. 3 through G.O.O.D./Def Jam Recordings.

Passion Pit Frontman Launching Artist Support Company

Passion Pit

Kerry Flynn, writing at Mashable:

Michael Angelakos, the frontman of Passion Pit, is launching a company to support musicians and provide them with legal, educational and healthcare services, Mashable has learned.

The New York City-based company, called The Wishart Group, has raised $250 million in funding, with contributions from big names in the music and tech industries. Angelakos, who declined to comment, is expected to publicly announce the project as early as this week.

The Wishart Group have a YouTube page with the new song “Inner Dialog” posted on it.

Sonny Moore Talks About From First to Last on Red Carpet


Sonny Moore talked with Alternative Press on the Grammy red carpet about his return to From First to Last:

When Major asked him if was back in From First To Last “for good,” Moore said: “I left the band, but I would say I’m not left anymore.”

He continues: “I’m not stopping what I’m doing with Skrillex either, but I haven’t left anymore.”

On if a full album is on the way, Moore says: “We’ll see.”

Ryan Adams on Marc Maron’s Podcast

Ryan Adams

Ryan Adams appeared on a the latest episode of Marc Maron’s WTF podcast:

Singer-songwriter Ryan Adams knows there’s a stark difference between the way he views the work throughout his career and the popular perception of it. Whether it’s his years in Whiskeytown or his song New York, New York becoming a rallying cry after 9-11, Ryan tells Marc why history has created a different narrative of these events than what he experienced at the time and how that guides what he’s doing today.

The Dillinger Escape Plan Cancel Tour Dates Following Bus Crash

The Dillinger Escape Plan

The Dillinger Escape Plan were in a bus crash in Poland over the weekend:

A police spokeswoman in Poland says 13 people have been injured after a truck rammed into the bus carrying American band The Dillinger Escape Plan to a concert in Krakow.

Aneta Wlazlowska from the police in Radomsko said Sunday that band members were not seriously hurt but were taken for tests at the local hospital. A pregnant woman traveling with the band was not hurt.

The band has canceled the rest of their European tour dates:

All the gear is destroyed and there are injuries—we are unable to continue this tour right now. The band and crew would like to thank the fans and press around the world for their concern and the Polish police and medical staff for their handling of the situation. We hope to get back to Europe soon.